HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
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HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer

A$764.00 A$899.00
Save A$135.00
Incl. GST & Tarrif. Invoice Available.
【170mm/h Epoch-making Speed】170mm/h, Creality Holat-mage Pro is 3 to 5x faster than the competition while still keeping the quality.
【Professional 10.3" 8K LCD Screen】8K with 29.7 µm XY resolution for delicate prints. The 10.3-inch mono LCD screen takes the build volume up to a new level of 228*128*230mm(6712cm3).
【Game-changing Smart Resin Pump】Both resin fill and withdrawal are automated.The feeding tubes is free to stick into any container.
【Smart Air Purifier】Powered and controlled by the printer, it absorbs odor with a 5.8 times larger activated carbon filter. A vent hole is also at the back, convenient for the external exhaust pipe.
【Integral Light 3.0】90%+ light uniformity, 8000uw/cm2 ligth intensity, creating clean surfaces and crisp contours.
【Print Anywhere with Smart Connectivity】Easy remote control and monitoring from Creality Cloud or HALOT BOX. Simple to print via a USB drive or connect a USB camera.
Creality Cloud 1 Year Premium for Free: Enjoy quality free models, cloud storage, print AI detection and more! The event ends July, 2024.


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Take A Closer Look

Epoch-making Hyper Speed

3 to 5x faster than the competition while still keeping the quality. *Data from Creality Lab. The typical speed is 70mm/h. Speed is better achieved with Creality fast resin.

Self-developed Algorithms for High Speed

Advanced motor control algorithm, boosting the motor speed to 100mm/s. Support-adding algorithm of HALOT BOX, securing the model firmly.

Agile "Dynax" Motion System

The build plate can be steadily lifted and lowered in just 1.2 seconds, then ready to print the next layer. And, the model surface is delicate.

10.3’’ 8K LCD, Pro Results

Using an 8K mono LCD featuring 29.7μm XY resolution, more refined and anti-aliasing than the 50μm of a regular 4K printer. The large LCD brings a generous 228x128x230mm build volume, giving you more space to create.

Integral Light Source 3.0

90%+ light uniformity, promising consistent quality regardless of where the print is placed on the build plate. 8000μw/cm² light intensity, curing a layer in 1s with standard 405nm resin. It creates smooth surfaces and crisp contours.

Smart Air Purifier

Powered and controlled via the printer directly, it includes a replaceable activated carbon filter that is 5.8 times larger than others. It absorbs irritant resin odor more efficiently. A vent hole is at its back to connect a vent tube.

Game-changing Smart Resin Pump

HALOT-MAGE PRO comes with auto resin fill & withdrawal. The smart resin pump can refill or recover 1 litter of resin within half an hour. Less messing by hand, and much fewer splashes and stains. The feeding tube is free to stick into any container.

Print and Monitor Anywhere with Smart Connectivity

Cloud Printing*: Control or monitor remotely from Creality Cloud APP or WEB. LAN Printing*: Command from a PC (installed with HALOT BOX) on the same LAN. Print via USB Drive: Import printable files from a USB drive for uninterrupted printing. USB Camera (Optional): Plug in any USB camera for remote monitoring.

Powerful CPU and HALOT OS

HALOT-MAGE PRO adopts the self-developed HALOT OS. It features a straightforward UI, and syncs data and commands with PC, phone, and Creality Cloud. The high-performance CPU powers high-speed printing with ease.

Wider Choice, Better Slicing

The self-developed HALOT BOX adopts a simpler workflow and includes many presets. HALOT-MAGE PRO is also compatible with other slicer software.

Pro “MageArch” Flip Lid

The flip lid of HALOT-MAGE is easy to open and close with one hand and needless to place aside. It is only 1/4 taller when opened, saving more room. The orange tint is practical to block 99.89% of ambient UV light for minimal interference.

Magic Touch to Deliver Better and More

HALOT-MAGE PRO enables flawless print and hand-removable 0.1mm supports and allows users to print a bigger model or more models in one go. Great to inspire creativity.

Take a Closer Look

HALOT-MAGE PRO 8K Resin 3D Printer
Printing Technology: MSLA
Build Volume: 228x128x230mm (6712cm³)
Product Dimensions: 333x270x608mm
Package Dimensions: 420x350x675mm
Net Weight: 13.3kg
Gross Weight: 16.2kg
Printing Speed: ≤170mm/h
Layer Height: 0.05-0.15mm
LCD Screen: 10.3“ monochrome screen
LCD Resolution: 8K (7680x4320)
XY Resolution: 29.7μm
Light Source: Integral Light Source 3.0
Light Uniformity (%): >90%
Light Intensity: 8000±10%μW/cm²
Release Film: High-speed film
File Transfer: USB drive, RJ45 cable, WiFi, Creality Cloud
Smart Resin Pump: Yes
Air Purifier: Yes
Input Power: 150W
Resin: 405nm resins
Slicing Software: HALOT BOX, CHITUBOX, Lychee Slicer
Computer OS: Windows/Mac
File Formats: STL/OBJ
Display Screen: 4.3" color touchscreen
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